• Question: How did u like the university in Leipzig

    Asked by michaelszabat to Michael on 14 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Michael Nolan

      Michael Nolan answered on 14 Nov 2013:


      I was in Leipzig from 1995 – 1996 as part of my degree. Since it was not long after the fall of communist rule in Eastern Europe it was very interesting to compare with home. I found a fantastic university, with a great history and some wonderful settings. I was also privileged that there was a very active group in theoretical chemistry which turned out to be my area of choice. I spent two semesters learning the basics from some very good Profressors. I also became friends with them and worked for two Profs. helping them with their English in papers. It was an amazing experience and I would recommend spending a year in another institution as part of a degree.

